Colchester welcomes you...
Colchester has taken and will continue to take steps forward
in becoming a more ōWelcoming Communityö to newcomers. We
recognize the value that new ideas, experiences and cultures
bring to our community.
In July 2003, the Colchester Immigration Partnership was
formed. The
Colchester Immigration Partnership is a community based group
comprised of representatives of the Colchester Regional
Development Agency, academic, government and business
agencies. It is committed to ensuring that newcomers have
access to the resources they need when they arrive in our
community. These resources will enable them to connect with
employment, business opportunities and with the people of
Colchester. We hope that newcomers will feel welcome, that
they will connect with their new community and ultimately
As part of their initiative of becoming a more ōWelcoming
Communityö, various new exciting programs/services have
been implemented. They include:
Multicultural Cooking Series:
This program provides participants with a fun and unique
cultural experience Each
month, food from a
different ethnic background will take center stage in the
Atlantic SuperstoreÆs Community Room. In addition,
participants are exposed to a new culture through music, and
displays. There's
much more to enjoy than just the food!
Related story
Newcomers Resource Center:
A one-stop information station for newcomers to Colchester or
those interested in immigrating to Colchester. Here you can
find information on educational programs offered in the
County, accommodations (housing and rentals) and things to
do. Also, pick up the 2006
Colchester Newcomers Guide.
The New Friends Program:
This program matches newcomers with volunteers within the
community who act as resources in the settlement and
adaptation process; helping to connect the newcomer with
community resources and with other members of the community.
Cross-Cultural Awareness
Program: ProgramÆs
objective is to assist front-line service
providers such as hospitals, employment counsellors, banks and
municipal offices in becoming more aware of the benefits of
cross-cultural sensitivity. To achieve this objective,
front-line service providers are provided training, through a
one half day workshop led by trained facilitators who have
first-hand knowledge of the newcomer experience. The workshop
examines Canadian cultural norms and our assumptions about
other cultures. It addresses how Canadian values and norms
might differ with the values and norms of other cultures and
what impact that has on our ability to provide services and
support to people from different backgrounds. The workshop is
aimed at developing the skills needed to work and communicate
effectively in a culturally diverse environment.
Related story
ESL courses:
Offered through the Colchester Adult Learning Association, a
partner of the Colchester Regional Development Agency.
Businesses and community organizations are encouraged to
register now for Cross-Cultural Awareness workshops. If you
are interested in participating or learning more about these
programs, please contact Margot Bégin-Gillis at 897-1029.
Colchester Immigration Partnership believes that all citizens
in our community should feel welcome, supported and valued.
To learn more about
click here
or stop by CoRDAÆs office in Truro and check out their
Newcomers Resource Centre.
Education |
Language Training Programs
Translators in Nova Scotia
Religion |
Employment Opportunities in Colchester
Immigrating to Colchester
International Organizations in Colchester
Things to do in Colchester