The Team

Ron Smith
Executive Director
Phone: (902) 893-0140
Email: [email protected]
Ron started with CoRDA in September 2005. He is a graduate of St. Francis Xavier University. He has 20 years’ experience in the financial sector. Although Truro has been home since 1981, Ron has also lived and worked in the South Shore and the Annapolis Valley.
In May of 2010, Ron replaced Jo Ann Fewer in the leadership role of Executive Director at CoRDA and looks forward to leading the team to continued success.
Ron takes the time to listen to you, and is interested in what you have to say. With his wonderful sense of humour he has a strong ability to bring people together.
Ron is the proud father of three beautiful girls, and enjoys camping with his lovely wife during his spare time.

Cathy Parker
Manager of Administration
Phone: (902) 893-0140
Email: [email protected]
Cathy Parker is CoRDA’s Manager of Administration. Through her past position at Grant Thornton LLP, Cathy had already been involved with CoRDA for three years before starting her full-time position with the agency in February 2002. She strongly believes in CoRDA’s mandate to encourage and support economic development in the Colchester area. She looks forward to continual improvements for a winning team as she works to create an even smoother process for in-house operations.
Cathy takes pride in successfully accomplishing what she sets her mind to. She strives for perfection in all areas of her work.
Cathy is very well educated in accounting, and has brought with her fifteen years experience working in this field, which is a strong attribute for CoRDA. Cathy has completed a course in Human Resource Management at St. Mary’s University in nearby Halifax.
Although Cathy’s spare time is limited, a priority in Cathy’s life is spending time with her family.

Alan Johnson
Director of Marketing and Communications
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Alan Johnson joined CoRDA as Director of Marketing and Communications in 2008.
His four years as Executive Director of the Truro and District Chamber of Commerce as well as the Nova Scotia Chambers of Commerce gives him a unique urban-rural viewpoint on economic development in Colchester.
If you’re interested in business relocation, industrial property or knowing more about how CoRDA communicates to its community partners, please give Alan a call.
Always with a smile on his face, Alan works hard to implement our marketing needs at CoRDA. Alan has a wide-ranging background in business communications, marketing as well as television and radio broadcasting.
Check out Alan’s Monthly Column on our site, it also appears monthly in The Truro Daily News –

Margot Bégin-Gillis
Director of People and Workforce Development
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Margot Bégin-Gillis joined CoRDA in March 2003 as the Youth Employment and Retention Project Coordinator. Her role has expanded to include the development of a number of other ‘people development’ initiatives related to the attraction and retention of newcomers to the region.
She is also involved in Workforce Development initiatives that seek to meet the needs of our growing business community while ensuring that all citizens of Colchester have the necessary skills and opportunities to connect with meaningful employment.
Margot has a background in Economics from Acadia University, a Certificate in Arts Management from Seneca College and since beginning with CoRDA, has attained a Certificate in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo and looks forward to further study and professional development in this field.
Margot is a community builder, hosting a reception for newcomers to the community feels as though she were attending a family potluck. With years of experience working closely with many of the newcomers helping them connect with community resources in Colchester County, she treats each one like a friend and not just clients.
From the moment she joined CoRDA in 2003, she began what has become an ongoing dialogue with Colchester employers to better understand the skill-sets they need now and in the future. Armed with that crucial labour force information, Margot then acts as a type of match-maker, recruiting workers, launching training programs, and building skills in the existing workforce. One of the most rewarding aspects of her job, is her work in supporting immigrants as they settle in their new community.
In her spare time she enjoys organizing and participating in theatre productions, dance instruction, and supporting community endeavours. She is also married, and a proud mother of two handsome young men.

Creston Rudolph
Director of Destination Colchester
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Creston Rudolph is Director of Destination Colchester. In his role, Creston is responsible for working with our municipalities and local community groups in attracting major events to the Colchester Region. In addition, he works with existing community groups in providing support to events and projects that already exist.
Creston brings a great deal of passion and experience in event management to this new position. After graduating from Brock University in St. Catherines Ontario in 2002 with a degree in Sport Management, he went on to coordinate Sioux Lookout Ontario’s Blueberry Festival in 2003. This 10-day festival boasted a lineup of over 100 events and featured a headlining act of Tom Cochrane and Red Rider. In 2004, he moved to Truro to be closer to his family and soon after he accepted a position with CoRDA as its “Welcoming Community Program Coordinator”.
During his first stint with us, he learned a great deal about the importance of community economic development and played key roles in the implementation of the organization’s “Come Home to Colchester” campaign and its Immigration strategy. In addition, he was CoRDA’s representative on the Hub Central Nova Canada Winter Games bid committee. Creston is very familiar with CoRDA’s initiatives of promoting economic development in the Colchester Region and forecasts a bright future in its ability to attract major national and international events.
“The Colchester Region’s central location will be a key factor in attracting major events to the area. The region has many centerpieces which make it an attractive location for any organization looking for a venue to hold an event,” says Creston. “The exciting possibility of a new Civic Centre in the region will only serve to increase the possibility of future events.”

Mike Ross
IT Business Coordinator
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Mike joined the Colchester Regional Development Agency as the IT Business Coordinator. Mike also is the regions Community Access Program Coordinator for Colchester East-Hants. He bring years of technical experince to CoRDA to help maintain communications for the staff and updateing the website to serve the public in job hunting and property sales.

Terry Hearn
Business Development Coordinator
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Terry delivers Employment Nova Scotia’s Self-Employment Benefit Program, for Colchester County, working closely with referrals from CareerWorksNova in Truro and Open Doors in Tatamagouche. Her thought and consideration towards others makes her a strong team player and creates a positive work environment.
Congratulations go out to the Colchester Regional Development Agency’s Terry Hearn, who recently picked up her first “Nova Scotia Workplace Education Ambassador” award.The award winners champion the on-site workplace education program. They also encourage other people to participate, something Terry has certainly done among members of the Colchester business community over the past few years. In presenting the award, Colleen O’Connor, who is the Skills Development Coordinator in the Central Nova Scotia had high praise for Terry’s efforts.
“In three years, Terry has built an impressive track record including the successful delivery of 20 workplace education programs ranging from Essential Communications Skills and Basic Computer Skills to Customer Service and Human Resource Management.” said Ms. O’Connor. “As a result, more than 180 businesses have been directly impacted by employees who have new skills and enhanced self-confidence.”
Partners in delivering the program include Nova Scotia Business Inc., the Truro & District Chamber of Commerce, the North Shore Development Association, the Upper Stewiacke Community Association and the Business Development Bank. To Terry and all of her community partners, a big congratulations on this province-wide recognition!

Tony Richards
Property Services Coordinator
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Tony joined the CoRDA team in May 2005. He has been engaged in property development since 1991, developing his own subdivision (which is still ongoing).
He graduated in 1981 from the Cobequid Education Center, and in 1983 from the Colchester Regional Vocational School with Motor Vehicle Repair achievement award.
Tony has been responsible for many major developments in Debert, and the implementation of successful projects. CoRDA is in good hands with Tony.In his spare time Tony enjoys keeping healthy and fit. Tony has a passion to make things happen.

Ericka Wicks
Director of Sustainable Business
Phone: (902) 957-2423
[email protected]
Ericka manages CoRDA’s Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program and meets regularly with our local businesses to identify obstacles to development and opportunities for growth. Ericka develops projects to overcome issues facing our business community in partnership with government bodies and other organizations. Ericka is also responsible for overseeing the transformation of the Debert Industrial Park into an eco-industrial park, and to help companies and organizations in Colchester with their greening initiatives.
Ericka puts a lot of care towards self-development and professional growth. She is an ambassador for both CoRDA and Colchester County. She brings to the job a vast array of experiences.
The Colchester Regional Development Agency has been recognized with a provincial award for its leadership skills on the environmental front. “The Environmental Excellence in Business Award” is given to Nova Scotia companies who show environmental leadership. CoRDA is one of the first non-profit agencies to be recognized with the honour. Becoming “green” also saves money for companies based in Debert and the rest of the Colchester Region. That’s because CoRDA’s Director of Sustainable Business Ericka Wicks offers free energy audits to all members of the Colchester business community, showing them how to increase profits by lessening their environmental footprints.

Megan Pickersgill
Settlement Coordinator
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Megan joined the Colchester Regional Development Agency as Settlement Coordinator in August 2010. Here she helps newcomers to the Colchester region settle into the community. She is a graduate from the University of Western Ontario in Anthropology and Visual Arts. She also obtained a post-graduate certificate from Sir Sandford Fleming College in Museum Management and Curatorship.
Before joining CoRDA, Megan worked as Curatorial Assistant at Pier 21 – Canada’s Immigration Museum, and has also worked as an English Teacher in Frankfurt, Germany.
Megan is a delightful addition to the CoRDA team, going out of her way to make you feel welcome, and adding that special touch and creativity. She is always willing to provide a helping hand.

Charles Brennan
Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Phone: (902) 893-0140
Charles Brennan was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Toronto, Ontario. During his school days he was active in many school sporting activities which later carried over to his young adult days.
He moved to Colchester County with his wife and son in 1992, where he took up residence in Economy, Nova Scotia. While residing in Economy, he worked for the Central Nova Tourist Association which earned him a Super Host Award.
In the summer of 1997 he became employed with the Colchester Park Development Society as the Lead Hand. At the end of the summer he moved into the former Camp Debert and took up residence in one of the vacant houses with his family.
He is still employed at Colchester Park and has very much enjoyed seeing and participating in the day to day operation of running the park. Always eager to help, Charlie has also enjoyed taking part in the transitional period of rental properties to property owners, both as an employee of CoRDA and as a new home owner himself.
When driving through Debert, the improvements of the grounds are due to Charlie and Colin’s hard work. Thanks Charlie and Colin!

Kim Frizzell
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (902) 893-0140
[email protected]
Kim Frizzell came to Colchester Regional Development Agency in mid September 2004.
She brings with her training in Office Information Technology and the Human Services and over ten years experience in the voluntary, not-for-profit sector.
Kim is the backbone of the CoRDA team, and is always willing to help and provide direction. Her extensive knowledge is a great asset to the organization.

Susan Cameron
Finance Administrator
Phone: (902) 893-0140
Email: [email protected]
Susan obtained the position of Finance Administrator in April 2006 when the transfer went through between CPDS (Colchester Park Development Society) and CoRDA (Colchester Regional Development Agency). She brings with her 12 years experience in accounting along with administrative duties.
Susan received her Accounting Diploma through Success Business College and has also taken the Economic Developers Association of Canada course offered through the University of Waterloo. As a life long resident of Upper Stewiacke, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
Susan thrives on helping her colleagues and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She also facilitates contact between Debert and our main office.

Darlene Stevenson
Support to Business
Phone: (902) 895-2743
Email: [email protected]
Darlene has been with ACOA for the past 7 years. In the fall of 2005 she accepted an assignment as the Area Account Manager for Colchester and Cumberland Counties and is looking forward to developing a close working relationship with the community. Darlene brings over 17 years of experience in the public sector working in a variety of fields.
Darlene’s vision for the Colchester Region: “To be a vibrant and welcoming region, one where ideas for growth and prosperity are encouraged, supported and celebrated.”
Darlene is very good at what she does, and works hard to achieve success. She is very inclusive with everyone, kind and considerate, and always maintains a positive outlook.

Neil Pardy
Support to Business
Phone: (902) 895-6625
[email protected]
Neil Pardy has been with NOBL since January of 2005, and has worked in Community Business Development Corporations since 2001. He is married with one son and lives in Truro.
Neil has a genuine passion and consideration for his clients, as well as for his coworkers. He has a great sense of humour that encompasses everything he does. Neil is a pleasure to work with.