Community economic development is about people in communities working together to take control of their future and improve their quality of life. The success of an organization like CoRDA is through the relationship it has with key partners in economic development.
Provincially, we work closely with members of Trade Team Nova Scotia, various departments of government and industry associations.
Locally, we work with our:
- Educational institutions
- Lending agencies
- Chamber of commerce
- Municipalities
- Employment service agencies
- Community development organizations
Local Partnerships
CORDA is fortunate to have local partners that contribute to developing the economy of the region. Each of the partners listed below are ex-officio members of CoRDA’s board and participate in quarterly meetings.
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is a federal government agency. Headquartered in the Atlantic Region, ACOA’s goal is to improve the economy of Atlantic Canadian communities through the successful development of business and job opportunities.
Nova Scotia Department of Economic Development
Nova Scotia Economic Development provides leadership by helping create the right conditions for a strong, competitive, and sustainable economy.
The primary purpose is to stimulate the economy by helping expand employment opportunities, encouraging the establishment and growth of commerce and industry, and generally enhancing the prosperity and well being of Nova Scotians.
This includes designing policies, programs, and activities that strengthen economic and social conditions in the province.
Nova Scotia Business Inc.
As Nova Scotia’s business development agency, Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) works with businesses and organizations to help them grow and prosper. As a private sector-led agency it works to:
- Attract new companies to locate in Nova Scotia to provide long-term employment opportunities for Nova Scotians
- Help those already in Nova Scotia expand through services such as export development and financing.
Northern Opportunities for Business Ltd.
Flexible term loan programs for small and medium-sized businesses. Up to $125000 in financing for business start-ups expansions and other business purposes including fixed asset acquisitions working capital and change of ownership
Downtown Truro Partnership
Downtown Truro Partnership will play a central role in facilitating the ongoing development of Downtown Truro as a vibrant business and a cultural community.
Truro Power Centre
The vision of the Truro Power Centre is to become the most successful new highway commercial business park in Atlantic Canada. It will accomplish this by providing tenants with outstanding, affordable, commercial services and excellent property tax rates.
Truro and District Chamber of Commerce
The principal voice for business in the Colchester region, The Truro District Chamber of Commerce promotes matters of economic, social and political importance.
Nova Scotia Community College – Truro Campus
The Nova Scotia Community College builds Nova Scotia’s economy and quality of life through education and innovation.
Nova Scotia Agricultural College
NSAC is an internationally respected university and research institution providing quality education in the science and management of agriculture and related disciplines.
Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq pro-actively promotes and assists First Nation Band Members’ initiatives in attaining self-determination and enhancement of community.