A Short Summary of CoRDA
If you’ve never heard of CoRDA, we should start by telling you that CoRDA stands for “Colchester Regional Development Assocation.” Most counties across Nova Scotia have a regional development agency, or RDA. The RDA is governed by a volunteer board of directors. The board generally consists of respected business and community leaders who direct and counsel the RDA staff. “People with an interest in Truro:::Colchester are lucky, because they can really rely on CoRDA,” says Former Board Chair Jon Stanfield. “This is an agency that commands respect because of what it does, and how it interacts with investors, partners and people looking to locate here.”
CoRDA’s Services – CoRDA hosts a director for the Self-Employment Benefit Program. This is a program which helps people who are in receipt of employment insurance. It enables them to continue receiving that assistance while they’re growing their own business. CoRDA also provides a contact point for NOBL, which is Northern Opportunities for Business Ltd. Business analysts and volunteer business leaders assess strategies in deciding on commercial loans of up to $150,000. In addition, CoRDA is home to a people development officer and immigration partnership.
These help Colchester citizens who’ve relocated to other provinces and countries and wish to move back to Truro:::Colchester. Along the same lines, CoRDA helps international newcomers to settle here. Often, those newcomers bring skills that are unavailable to local employers, so it’s a win-win for businesses as well as the person who is relocating here with sought-after skills. One of CoRDA’s key tasks is to meet and counsel local, national and international firms who are looking to grow. We have experts in building site and industrial park selection for Truro, Debert and Stewiacke.
“We move quickly, and we make the decision process straightforward and simple. That’s what businesses want and that’s what we strive for. On top of that, our land prices are comparatively low.” CoRDA’s other services include support with business retention and expansion, community development, literacy and workforce education. In addition, the CoRDA office in Truro is the location to make contact with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Another service CoRDA facilitates is community infrastructure development. Everything from common transportation issues in Truro, Colchester, Stewiacke and Millbrook to business planning for the Debert Airport and railway issues involving service from CN Rail. CoRDA is a full-service shop. Whether you’re involved with volunteers or it’s strictly business, CoRDA can help!
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